Chronic Conditions & Diseases

Despite extensive discussion, not everyone will have the same definition of what pain is. This is mostly because pain is a personal sensation rather than a straightforward “stimulus-response” complex. Pain is a multifaceted, unpleasant subjective experience having sensory, emotional, and social aspects. Therefore, it is crucial to approach pain in a comprehensive manner.

Pain is a multifaceted, unpleasant subjective experience having sensory, emotional, and social aspects. Depending on their individual experiences, each person interprets the messages that pain sends to their brain in a unique way. Our body typically uses pain as a signal, or “red flag”, that something is wrong. Occasionally, this warning system “breaks down” and “sounds the alarm” for no reason at all, or at least not for a good reason, while the overstimulated nerves continue to send pain signals to our brain.

Pain can be divided into categories, depending on the mechanism involved (nociceptive pain or neuropathic pain), pain duration (acute or chronic), or even body part affected. Neuropathic pain is the result of organ failure or dysfunction of the nervous tissue. It has a distinct clinical presentation and its own pathophysiological mechanisms that make it a separate disease entity. Chronic pain lasts longer than three months and often has no relation to its underlying cause. Pain itself is a stand-alone problem. It frequently affects one’s capacity to work, have fun, or even care for themselves.

It is not unusual for chronic pain patients to quit their job, and this causes them to face financial difficulties. If left untreated, or if no pain relief therapy is available and/or accessible, such individuals tend to become introverted and depressed over time. They cling to their family, friends, or caregivers, and this is a mindset that exacerbates their social isolation and sense of loneliness.

Κατηγορίες Χρόνιων Παθήσεων

Καρκινικός Πόνος

Cancer Pain

Cancer Pain

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Μυοσκελετικός Πόνος



Sciatica is a set of symptoms that point to a physical disease rather than being a separate condition. The term sciatica essentially refers to pain along the sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve in the human body.




Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic degenerative and progressive joint disease that can affect any joint in the body but most commonly occurs in the joints of the knees, hips, fingers, and spinal joints. This disorder affects the bones, ligaments,...


Low back pain

Low back pain

Etymologically, lumbalgia, the medical term for low back pain, comes from the words lumbar (waist) and algos (pain). It is incorrectly regarded as a condition and frequently used as such, despite the fact that, according to science, any pain in...


Νευροπαθητικός Πόνος

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic Neuropathy

Definition Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a condition characterized by high blood sugar levels as a result of reduced insulin production or the body's resistance to insulin. In Cyprus, approximately 10.3% of the population suffers from this disease....


Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic pain is one of the most common forms of chronic pain. The incidence in the general population ranges from 3.3% to 8.2%.[1] Around 60% of Europeans are unaware of its existence, despite suffering from the pain.[2] This kind of pain is...


Πόνος Κρανίου & Προσώπου

Occipital Neuralgia

Occipital Neuralgia

Η ινιακή νευραλγία αναφέρεται στο χρόνιο πόνο που ξεκινά από τη βάση του κρανίου και εξαπλώνεται σε όλο το κεφάλι, προκαλώντας έντονους, διαξιφιστικούς πόνους. Τα πιο κοινά συμπτώματα της ινιακής νευραλγίας περιλαμβάνουν: Αμφίπλευρο πόνο στο κεφάλι...


Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is a severe form of chronic neuropathic pain that affects one or more trigeminal nerve branches in the face. Any age can be affected; however, people over 60 are more likely to experience it. It demonstrates higher incidence...




Headache, also known as cephalalgia, is one of the most common reasons patients seek medical attention. It may simply be a symptom that affects a person's functionality and Quality of Life (primary headache) or it may be a symptom of an...


Χρόνιος Πυελικός Πόνος

Chronic Pelvic Pain

Chronic Pelvic Pain

Any pelvic pain that typically lasts six months or longer is referred to as Chronic Pelvic Pain. It can be caused by gynecological diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, and urological diseases. Pelvic pain can become more likely to occur if...





Definition and Symptoms of Fibromyalgia Analyzing the term fibromyalgia, we realize that this term refers to pain in the muscles and connective tissue. Fibromyalgia patients suffer from chronic, widespread pain, and tenderness that last for more...


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