Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics

Driven by our commitment to provide a higher caliber of services in the health sector, Cyprus Pain Clinic has launched the Department of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics. The Department's primary objective is to support people who want to improve their health and well-being through the adoption of a balanced dietary lifestyle.

Department of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics

The key to success is providing the appropriate direction via concrete solutions that continue to guide individuals after sessions are over.

Because a healthy diet is the foundation of good health.

The Department of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics treats cases for: Weight Management, Nutrition & Cancer, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, Pregnancy & Breastfeeding, Child & Adolescence, Aging-associated Diseases, Chronic Pain, Clinical Diseases, etc.

Nutrition & Dietetics Services are offered on-site as well as at home for bedridden patients.



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